Karen ask the question, "Who is Jesus?". How would you answer that question?
Do we really need to understand the Old Testament? Jolyon explains that we most certainly do, not only becuase Jesus himself used the Old Testament, but because it offers words…
What makes a good leader? Jill looks at some examples from the Judges and Kings of Israel, and ask us to consider where God might be calling us to lead.
Phillip asks "Do you have a business relationship with God or a family relationship?" To find out what he means, listen to this talk.
What is the bible? In what way is it "inspired by God"? What does it mean to us? How do I read it? These are some of the questions Frances…
As we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, Frances asks whether we know the joy of finding Jesus.
On St Andrew's day, Bishop Andrew speaks about how God uses ordinary people like Andrew the fisherman, and us, to gather His people into His kingdom.
David gives us three important principles to help us spread the gospel. Listen to what God wants us to do and be obedient to His timing; get alongside the people…