What is a herald and what is an evangelist? Patrick answers these questions and more as he looks at Peter's sermon in Acts.
Even though God is sovereign, He wants to involve us with putting His creation right. Jesus commissioned the disciples to spead the Gospel to the whole world. We can't just…
Phillip reminds us that sharing our faith can lead to someone coming to know Jesus many years later. Don't be despondent if you don't see immediate results!
Christmas isn't just for Christmas! Find out what we can learn from the shepherds' reaction (and subsequent action) to the news of Jesus' birth.
Jesus gave the 'Great Commision' to his disciples and ultimately to us. What does this mean and how do we go about fulfilling it? Chris asks our life groups how…
What has learning to recognise bird song to do with following Jesus? Find out, as Frances continues our studies in Acts.
How can we be confident in witnessing for Jesus? Patrick looks at the way the Spirit emboldened Peter and John.
Phillip explains that John wrote his gospel "that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his…
We are always witnesses. But are we good witnesses or bad witnesses? It matters how we interact with those around us.
Kailean, from the A Rocha Wolf Fields project, speaks about the work they are doing there and the witness it is to those around them.