Preparatory work continues apace! Recent weeks have seen considerable activity involving the redesign of the kitchen and toilets, and the necessary cabling for audio visual equipment and Wi-Fi connectivity (initially to temporary units, and subsequently to their final locations), as well as core heating and electrical works.
We are now at an advanced stage with our technical drawings, which form the basis of the cost proposals we will seek from potential main contractors; this is a crucial step, as we will then be able to confirm whether the funds we have raised are sufficient.
The investigation work with our Project Managers unearthed a significant problem with the roofing over the north corridor (which covers the toilets, kitchen, offices and storage rooms). This was not supposed to be part of the project, so finding the best way forward has set us back. We have now engaged a roofing contractor by competitive tender, and work will start during September.
Over the next two to three weeks, we will procure a temporary office, toilets and cabin to help us maintain as many of our church ministries as we can; but there will inevitably be some disruption, and so we ask for everyone’s patience and forbearance in the coming months, along with your ongoing prayers, as work begins for real to deliver improved buildings that bring glory to God.
For more information about the project see Building Your Church