We are fully committed to Safeguarding at St Andrew’s, Oxshott, and follow Church of England and the diocese of Guildford‘s guidelines.
Details of how to report a safeguarding concern directly to the Diocese of Guildford’s Safeguarding Team can be found at: Report a concern – Diocese of Guildford (cofeguildford.org.uk)
Our Parish Lead Safeguarding Officer is Freda Stephenson.
Our Parish Deputy Safeguarding Officer is Maureen Carruthers.
St Andrew’s has a dedicated Safeguarding phone number (01372 230370) which will put you in touch with one of our Safeguarding Officers.
The Diocesan Safeguarding Team ( 01483 790379). Monday to Friday 9am-5pm
View our Safeguarding Policy.
Are you a survivor or victim of church related abuse? Could you help the Diocese of Guildford to learn from the past and protect the future? Read more…

Revd Patrick Davies
Contact: patrick.davies@standrewsoxshott.org.uk01372 842071 / 07780 125127

Freda Stephenson
Parish Lead Safeguarding Officer
Contact: safeguarding@standrewsoxshott.org.uk01372 230370

Maureen Carruthers
Parish Deputy Safeguarding Officer
Contact: safeguarding@standrewsoxshott.org.uk01372 230370