It is important for everyone – old and young, to make a will and review it regularly. After making provision for your family, we hope that you will consider making provision for your church of St Andrew’s.
Your gift, no matter how large or small, can be an expression of your love, gratitude and thanksgiving towards God, and will be used to make a real difference to lives of people in our parish and beyond, both in maintaining our current ministry and transforming its future.
Please read our Legacy Policy and, for more information on how you can make a lasting gift to St Andrew’s, read Your Church – your legacy or download and print it as a leaflet.
Suggested wording for your will:
For general information from the Church of England, please see
- Church Legacy Gifts of Faith Hope and Love
- Church Legacy Preparing to visit your solicitor
- Illustration of how a 10% gift reduces the rate of IHT
You can also watch this short video
Thank you for taking on the role of Executor. This can be an arduous and time consuming role at a very difficult time. The Vicar, Treasurer and Churchwardens are available to talk to you in confidence on behalf of the Parochial Church Council (PCC). Please phone the office on 01372 842071 to make an appointment.
For more information, see the Guidance for Lay Executors on the Church of England website.
Please send letter of wishes and cheques, payable to St Andrews Church Oxshott, to
St Andrew’s Church Oxshott,
Oakshade Road,
Oxshott KT22 0LE.
Please advise the Treasurer if payment is made by bank transfer (Sort code 20-90-56 Account number 80374598) by either letter to the address above or by email to
Charity Number 1128379
If you would like to speak to someone in confidence about making a lasting gift to St Andrew’s, please contact: