We are delighted to announce that our Planning Application in respect of the major refurbishment of the ancillary buildings at St Andrew’s has been approved by Elmbridge planners.
The BYC steering group are now working with our advisors to determine our next steps.
We are grateful to everyone who contributed to the present redesign, which many viewed in the vestibule of the church.
We still need to raise around £100,000 of funding to meet our appeal target, and we are very appreciative of all donations to make these facilities a reality, and provide a welcoming space at the centre of our village. If you have any great ideas for helping raise funds to fill this gap, please do email and we will get back to you.
There continues to be much work to do, and the Steering Group are busy working with our advisors on the final designs for the toilets and kitchen; harmonisation of our heating system, which will be enhanced by solar panels; structural checks where we are removing walls and widening doors, and much more.
We continue to be greatly encouraged! Although we still need to raise £100,000 to be able to deliver the new plan in full, we feel that we are well on our way – THANK YOU to those who have responded so far.