We are delighted to be making Cobham Area Foodbank, one of our Mission Partners, the focus for our Harvest Collections again this year.
Our local foodbank, like many throughout the country, is desperately short of food donations. Please bring along donations to the Harvest Service at 10am on Sunday 1 October. The items below are particularly short, so please read the list, or take one from the vestibule with you and bring in any of the items listed; it will be gratefully received.
Harvest items will be collected on Tuesday 3 October.
Items urgently needed:
- pasta sauce
- UHT fruit juice
- tins of meat, vegetables, fish, soup, spaghetti hoops and custard
- UHT semi-skimmed milk
- chocolate spread
- tomato ketchup
- hot chocolate
- sponge puddings
- sweet snacks & biscuits
- bleach
- toothpaste for adults
- sanitary towels
- shampoo & conditioner
- shaving foam & razors
Thank you.