Mike Branscombe, vicar of St Andrew's Cobham, speaks about Psalm 24. The psalm isn't just about who we are, it's about whose we are!
Chris speaks about God's promises, reminding us that not only does God promise to love and care for us, but also to judge the evil in the world. He always…
David explains that God's affirmation of Jesus "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased" was a fulfilment of Isaiah's prohphecy, which would have been very significant for…
Stuart explains why our responsibility under God inevitably involves accountability and ultimately judgement. For further insights, see also Stuart's talk at the 9.30 Parish Communion service.
In his talk to the children on Mothering Sunday, Bishop Andrew tells the story of two bulbs... But it is not just the children who can learn from this!
When it seems that the world is full of evil, Richard reminds us that Jesus has won the victory over evil on the cross. Quoting from Isaiah 59:19 (AV) "When…
"As thy days, so shall thy strength be". Revd Richard Bewes pays tribute to the spiritual strength of HM The Queen, by recalling Moses' blessing to his people. More days,…
On St Andrew's day at St Andrew's, Bishop Andrew speaks about the calling of Andrew, and how we too have been called by Jesus to spread the gospel.