Phillip looks at John the Baptist's 'preaching' at Jesus' baptism and sees it as an example of what good preaching should be.
Epiphany is about the star guiding the wise men to Jesus, and now we are called to be the light that guides our neighbours to Jesus.
Can you know what is in a closed bag even if you haven't seen or felt it yourself? Patrick explains how.
What can unwrapping a Christmas present tell us about Jesus? Find out as we unwrap Patrick's big present.
Mike Branscombe, vicar of St Andrew's Cobham, speaks about Psalm 24. The psalm isn't just about who we are, it's about whose we are!
In our Palm Sunday service, Chris talks about Jesus our King. We regret that the first part of this service wasn't recorded, so we join it for Chris' talk after…
As we begin our new series on Jesus' letters to his churches, Frances explains the background and looks at the Ephesian church, which despite their many positive acomplishments, Jesus accuses…
Andy Winter, chaplain of Reed's School, ends our series on the names of Jesus speaking about Jesus the "annointed and promised King".
Names are important! Jesus - Name above all Names.
Phillip tells us that the bible says we should be "afraid" of the dark becuase Satan will do everything he can to keep us in the dark about Jesus. But…