David Senior is Stewardship Enabler at the Diocese of Guildford and a Minister at St Paul’s Howell Hill. He continues preaching on our sermon series , Gratitude and Generosity.
In our concluding study in Romans, Patrick explains that, like for Paul, mission is our everyday activity.
Even though God is sovereign, He wants to involve us with putting His creation right. Jesus commissioned the disciples to spead the Gospel to the whole world. We can't just…
Jesus gave the 'Great Commision' to his disciples and ultimately to us. What does this mean and how do we go about fulfilling it? Chris asks our life groups how…
Jolyon explains Jesus' message to the church at Philadelphia. Though they have little strength, through Jesus' strength they can achieve much. The same can be true of us.
On Ascension Day, Frances explains that the primary reason for the Holy Spirit coming on us is for us to be witnesses to those around us.
David speaks about Jonah - God's reluctant missionary, and warns that sometimes we too can be reluctant to do what we know God wants us to do.