We each have a vital role within Christ's mission to the world because we are each a vital part of the body of Christ, his church, in this world today.
Patrick explains that being united doesn't mean we all need to be the same. God gives us many different gists, but they all have the same source -- the Holy…
Patrick challenges us to consider what church habits or traditions we cling to when God tells us (as He told Peter) to abandon what is unnecessary in order to spread…
At our All-Age service Patrick asks 'What is the Church'?
This passage in 1 Peter is talking about God's building project. But it's not a physical building, rather it is a Spiritual House; the body of his church, and we…
As we begin our new series on Jesus' letters to his churches, Frances explains the background and looks at the Ephesian church, which despite their many positive acomplishments, Jesus accuses…
On Commitment Sunday, Frances explains that being a follower of Jesus is not a spectator sport.
Are you looking for the perfect church? One like in Acts? Phillip explains that just like in Acts, our church depends on everyone - ordinary people who become extraordinary by…
What does it mean to be "church"? Frances explores how the first Christians became the church community.
Jolyon reminds us that we are all important parts of Christ's body here on earth.