Oxshott Magazine

The Oxshott Magazine is your monthly guide for the whole parish, covering what’s happening at St Andrew’s and across the village.

Articles, details of services and local activities, directories, plus useful ads from local businesses make the Oxshott Magazine a must-have.

Magazine coverHow to get your copy:

Magazines are delivered to your door within the parish and locally, and are also published online – see below.

We publish every month except January and August, with issues available from the 22nd of the previous month.  We suggest a donation of £7 or more for the calendar year, direct to our bank account (St Andrews Church Oxshott 20-90-56 80374598).   We can also deliver by post (£15 including p&p).

If you have any query on deliveries, do contact us (see below).

Advertising: Usually for 12 months, from September through to July/August edition.

Contact: Brian Cox or Linda Dilks

Recent editions
