Using the story of the Prodigal Son, Phillip explains about God's grace, and what Paul is teaching us in his letter to the Romans. How can we, for whom Christ…
Continuing our series on Romans, Phillip explains God's amazing solution to the problems identified last week
In the first of our series looking at the book of 1 Peter, Phillip explains the security that Peter enjoyed in God's Grace, despite his many failings and trails, and…
As we resume our studies in Paul's letter to the church at Ephesus, Frances looks at how Paul's instructions apply to us in our situations. How do we avoid 'going…
'But God made us alive!' Patrick speaks about perhaps the most pivotal moment in any passage of scripture as Paul describes the astonishing change that God has brought about for…
In the first of our series on Paul's letter to the church in Ephesus, Frances draws out three key messages from the 'peon of praise' that Paul pours out in…
On Good Friday Phillip looks at three deaths; the bad, the good and the perfect. And Ron explains why Good Friday is the day his life changed for ever.
Patrick speaks about one of the most well-known verses in the bible. But what does it mean?
Stuart explains why our responsibility under God inevitably involves accountability and ultimately judgement. For further insights, see also Stuart's talk at the 9.30 Parish Communion service.