Phillip looks at John the Baptist's 'preaching' at Jesus' baptism and sees it as an example of what good preaching should be.
We don't like talking about the bad news in the 21st century church, but Advent is all about 'bad news' as well as 'good news'. It is a call to…
Patrick looks at Paul's diagnosis of what is wrong with the world, and it turns out to be all of us! Join us next week to hear about the solution!
What did Jesus mean when he spoke about separating the sheep from the goats? Listen to Paul Davies, Bishop of Dorking, as he explains. It may not be what you…
On Good Friday Phillip looks at three deaths; the bad, the good and the perfect. And Ron explains why Good Friday is the day his life changed for ever.
Stuart explains why our responsibility under God inevitably involves accountability and ultimately judgement. For further insights, see also Stuart's talk at the 9.30 Parish Communion service.
Stuart explains why our responsibility under God inevitably involves accountability and ultimately judgement. For further insights, see also Stuart's talk at the 11.15 Oxshott Praise service.